Monday, 31 October 2011

Mucky Races Steeplechase

Hi and congratulations on all of you that run in Sundays Mucky Races Steeplechase. For you information all photographs will be live online Tuesday afternoon. If you would like to have your name and finish time on the image please let me know. There is a demo on the mucky race page of my web site.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Online Ordering

My old online ordering system will close within the next month. If there are photos on there you would like to order please do so now or ask me and I can move the files over to my new online ordering at

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

New online photo cart

Please check out my new online photocart. It is now live and I'm getting photo move to it now. On your first visit you will need to register but this is only to make it safer for you to make your purchase. Find it at