Saturday, 18 May 2013

Saint Felix Junior Triathlon 2013

Tomorrow we make the trip to Saint Felix school Reydon Southwold for the
Saint Felix Junior Triathlon 2013.
The swim it held in the schools swimming pool followed by the cycle around the school grounds and the run on the schools grass running track.
The race starts at midday with the 8 year old swim.

The photos will be for sale on the day via our trailer and from our website.

Good luck to all the runners from

Diss Event Photographic Team

Saturday, 4 May 2013

May the 4th be with you

Today saw us at a photographic event close to home.
09.00 hrs this morning we were at Rectory Meadow in Diss.
The home of Diss Cricket Club.
We photographed DCC for their 150 years Not Out anniversary before there 3 matches today against Norwich and Hethersett & Tas Valley away and Bradfield at home. Good Luck to all.

The images are now line online at

If you would like my information about Diss Cricket Club you can contact them on
01379 641103 or visit their web site at

In the morning you will find us at Bungay Swimming Pool, St John Hill to photograph the Tri-Anglia
Waveney Spring Triathlon.
Start time is 08.30hrs for the first wave then 5 start every 5 minutes.

The Course is 400m swim, 20k open country bike and a finish run of 3.2k

Good luck to all runners

please find images on our website
follow links from

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Equestrian Show

We are covering the Norse Welsh Pony & Cob Association

Spring Show

A different event from our normal Triathlon events.

The show is at the

Topthorn Equestrian Centre
Grove Farm
Stonham Aspal
IP14 6BX

The Showing starts at 09.00hrs Prompt

We will be printing on site so please come and visit our trailer to view your photos or order online see below.

Good luck to all eventers

You can find all images from this show at

please look in Equestrian Event Galleries

Friday, 5 April 2013

On Sunday 7th April we are photographing two events.

The first is the Tri-Anglia Diss Duathlon, this race was first run in 2006.

Starting at Diss High School at 0930hrs with the first wave of three with 50 runners in each at 5 minute intervals.

The Course is

5k road run in and around our lovely town of Diss
30k road cycle on quiet gently undulating country road
and finally a repeat of the first 5k run.

Registration opens from 0700hrs

For more information you can visit

The Second event is the Mucky Races, The Gauntlet 5k and 12k races.

This is a new venue at Spains Hall Estate Finchingfield, Essex

The site opens from 0930hrs

The 12k starts at 1100hrs and the 5k will start at 1115hrs

This is a full mucky race you will get very wet, muddy and dirty.

The race will take you on nature's toughest muddiest obstacles course full of icy water, mud filled pits with roped inclines and hills of doom.

Are you ready to RUN THE GAUNTLET?

You will find more information at

All the photographs that are taken over the weekend will be found on our website

look under Tri-Anglia for Diss Duathlon and Mucky races fro the Gauntlet.

For more information please visit our events website at    or like us on

or follow us twitter at

Good Luck keep running!

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Fritton Lake XC Half Marathon

Tomorrow Sunday 17th March we are photographing the Fritton Lake XC Half Marathon for Active Outdoor Sport.
The Marathon Starts at 11.00hrs from Fritton Lake Country Park.
The run take you down woodland tracks, over and along roads, pass Somerleyton Hall and onto the River Waveney flood barrier to Herringfleet Drainage Mill. From here the race starts towards the finish line.
For more information see
you can find the images at

To keep upto date on all the events we are coving please like our facebook page

or visit our web site at


Friday, 1 March 2013

Check out our new Green Screen services on the new page of our website

We have also added Magazine Cover photos to our collection
info on the same web page

Please follow link below
Its that time of year again

The Sole Destroyer in Northampton NN7 1AL

Race start time 11.00hrs on 02-03-13

The photo will be online at the normal place of